Order a Commission Painting
I create commissioned artworks for both individuals and businesses to enhance living and working spaces. You can order one or multiple works, choose your sizes and offer your color palette preferences. All paintings are created with high quality paints and are varnished before shipped.
How to inquire?
Send a reference photo/s to my email address: kristina@kristinajoy.com
Choose a size for the painting/s.
Decide if you’d like the artwork on canvas or hard panel surface (1/8”)
Prices for paintings vary greatly according to size and complexity.
$350 - $5,000 has been the usual range.
After we decide on the size and price of your artwork, you will receive periodical check-ins (text or email) to let you know I am working on your artwork. After its been completed, you will receive multiple images of the artwork to view for your approval. Once approved, your work will be varnished, dried and then shipped to you. You can suggest feedback or offer changes to the artwork BEFORE it is varnished.
Before the painting is begun, I’ll request an amount for the art materials (usually ranges from $50 - $200). And you only pay for the full amount of the painting after its approval. I offer 100% guarantee on my artwork - you only pay for it if you like it.
What to Expect
A sample previous commission of a boy fishing. Below is a close up of the boy’s hat…
And here’s another previous commission of some bird’s strolling along the beach in Florida…
Contact me.
Remember to send your reference photos to:
Text questions to: (218) 349 - 2771